TimeJan 10, 2024, 9:16 AM
Error Messageout of gas in location: ReadFlat; gasWanted: 1148293, gasUsed: 1148723: out of gas
HashFAC3 00E6 B3C4 0136 F105 E1BC 4F36 A72B 8C7E 1A8B ACD4 D3B3 E485 0C7B AA1D F21D
FAC3 00E6 B3C4 0136 F105 E1BC 4F36 A72B 8C7E 1A8B ACD4 D3B3 E485 0C7B AA1D F21D
Memorelayed by CryptoCrew Validators | hermes 1.7.4+1946d944 (https://hermes.informal.systems) Gas Used100.04%1,148,723 / 1,148,293
Details Events7