TimeDec 22, 2023, 2:30 PM
Error Messageout of gas in location: WritePerByte; gasWanted: 80000, gasUsed: 80276: out of gas
HashAFBD 41FF 5F34 BC35 3D2D 1752 2614 4A1B 634B 10C6 9811 B692 1C1F CB39 32D9 8E38
AFBD 41FF 5F34 BC35 3D2D 1752 2614 4A1B 634B 10C6 9811 B692 1C1F CB39 32D9 8E38
MemoZGF0YToseyJvcCI6InRyYW5zZmVyIiwiYW10IjoxMDAwMCwidGljayI6ImNpYXMiLCJwIjoiY2lhLTIwIn0= Gas Used100.34%80,276 / 80,000
Details Events7