TimeDec 22, 2023, 8:38 AM
Error Messageout of gas in location: WritePerByte; gasWanted: 80000, gasUsed: 80276: out of gas
Hash6DF8 E38F 2287 45E2 FD5A D4A0 57E6 B15B 8795 3338 63AA A42D 6886 0E10 6902 0331
6DF8 E38F 2287 45E2 FD5A D4A0 57E6 B15B 8795 3338 63AA A42D 6886 0E10 6902 0331
MemoZGF0YToseyJvcCI6InRyYW5zZmVyIiwiYW10IjoxMDAwMCwidGljayI6ImNpYXMiLCJwIjoiY2lhLTIwIn0= Gas Used100.34%80,276 / 80,000
Details Events7