TimeMar 10, 2025, 1:15 PM
Hash6266 A87C FDDE E8A4 6B64 77E1 1B53 AEF3 0960 4075 5649 431C 1E03 26E6 B9B0 2A9E
6266 A87C FDDE E8A4 6B64 77E1 1B53 AEF3 0960 4075 5649 431C 1E03 26E6 B9B0 2A9E
MemoConnect the Interchain. Stake with Informal 🐙 | hermes 1.8.2+ef4ba247 (https://hermes.informal.systems) Gas Used84.38%309,524 / 366,823
Details Events20