TimeJan 10, 2024, 3:13 PM
Error Messageout of gas in location: ReadPerByte; gasWanted: 1209002, gasUsed: 1209217: out of gas
Hash3111 E824 E6F1 176B 1442 D46A A652 4374 A813 EBFB A1AB D548 3715 EBB6 6F64 D447
3111 E824 E6F1 176B 1442 D46A A652 4374 A813 EBFB A1AB D548 3715 EBB6 6F64 D447
Memorelayed by CryptoCrew Validators | hermes 1.7.4+1946d944 (https://hermes.informal.systems) Gas Used100.02%1,209,217 / 1,209,002
Details Events7