TimeJan 10, 2024, 10:20 AM
Error Messageout of gas in location: WriteFlat; gasWanted: 1114130, gasUsed: 1114983: out of gas
Hash242C 4BB0 548D 90D7 50FD 61C8 06CA B363 13DF 2E67 B566 79C3 0401 EC94 C6DC D778
242C 4BB0 548D 90D7 50FD 61C8 06CA B363 13DF 2E67 B566 79C3 0401 EC94 C6DC D778
Memorelayed by CryptoCrew Validators | hermes 1.7.4+1946d944 (https://hermes.informal.systems) Gas Used100.08%1,114,983 / 1,114,130
Details Events7