TimeDec 17, 2023, 1:57 PM
Error Messageout of gas in location: WriteFlat; gasWanted: 80000, gasUsed: 80999: out of gas
Hash212E 6505 B842 C3BF A7B6 0E6A 0E7B F883 6848 2489 7593 D32E 26AB FF61 00BA B2C1
212E 6505 B842 C3BF A7B6 0E6A 0E7B F883 6848 2489 7593 D32E 26AB FF61 00BA B2C1
MemoeyJvcCI6Im1pbnQiLCJhbXQiOiIxMDAwMCIsInRpY2siOiJjb3NzIiwicCI6ImNyYy0yMCJ9 Gas Used101.25%80,999 / 80,000
Details Events7