TimeDec 21, 2023, 7:20 PM
Error Messageout of gas in location: WritePerByte; gasWanted: 80000, gasUsed: 80342: out of gas
Hash1D73 0FD2 2FEF D494 C3DF CB7F A3C6 6CB6 61ED A6FF 6CE2 7D09 A833 68C0 C703 B280
1D73 0FD2 2FEF D494 C3DF CB7F A3C6 6CB6 61ED A6FF 6CE2 7D09 A833 68C0 C703 B280
MemoZGF0YToseyJvcCI6InRyYW5zZmVyIiwiYW10Ijo0MDAwMDAsInRpY2siOiJjaWFzIiwicCI6ImNpYS0yMCJ9 Gas Used100.43%80,342 / 80,000
Details Events7