TimeAug 1, 2024, 12:01 AM
Hash1257 73E3 311C 2C5B DCF0 A2BB 9DD6 E5DD EF5B 1A84 F8CA D2B8 D9F0 2543 14CF 9269
1257 73E3 311C 2C5B DCF0 A2BB 9DD6 E5DD EF5B 1A84 F8CA D2B8 D9F0 2543 14CF 9269
MemoConnect the Interchain. Stake with Informal 🐙 | hermes 1.8.2+a34a11fe (https://hermes.informal.systems) Gas Used83.03%295,921 / 356,419
Details Events15