TimeJan 10, 2024, 7:34 PM
Error Messageout of gas in location: WriteFlat; gasWanted: 890546, gasUsed: 890861: out of gas
Hash08B1 CC48 E6C7 CBD4 E38B 1728 81CA 9DE2 1884 EA66 F0F8 E9E4 784D B688 C623 B8D5
08B1 CC48 E6C7 CBD4 E38B 1728 81CA 9DE2 1884 EA66 F0F8 E9E4 784D B688 C623 B8D5
MemoRelayed by Polkachu | hermes 1.7.1+0658526 (https://hermes.informal.systems) Gas Used100.04%890,861 / 890,546
Details Events7